Building Hope: The Maggie's Centres is a beautifully shot film, directed by award-winning director Sarah Howitt, and tells the story of Maggie’s, our approach to cancer care and the role that great design plays in the cancer support we offer.
In 1993, Maggie Keswick Jencks was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was told she had three months to live. On hearing this devastating news she was left to sit on a plastic chair in a hospital corridor. The only place she could find to cry was a toilet cubicle. Her husband Charles Jencks, who is co-founder of Maggie's, said:
I think that initial shock was certainly the moment when Maggie thought we can do better than this. You don’t have to suffer in a corridor on death row having just been told that you are going to die. That was the moment architecture and medicine met in our minds.